सनातन धर्म भूमिका

Meaning of "Vyakarana>"







In General

The real genius of a language is its grammar. Vyakarana provide exact meaning to the Sentence. So Veda is very critical about grammar and thus considered Vyakarana or grammar as the mouth of Vedapurusha. Though Vedic verses do not follow the classical grammar, the Vyakarana developed by Panini and others is considered as a Vedanga.

Siva keeps his silence as Dakshinamurti and always dance as Nataraja. It is from dance of Siva the science of language was born. It is believed, once fourteen very distinct sounds came out from Damru of Siva as Nataraja which became the basic aphorisms of the Sanskrit grammar of Panini. Panini’s work, Astadyayi is the basic Text on Sanskrit grammar. Patanjali wrote a bhasya(commentary) and Vararuci wrote a Vatika(gloss) on the original sutra of Panini. There are more than thirty classical works on grammar. ‘Aindram‘ is believed to be written by Indra and ‘Nava Vyakaran’a is belived to be written Hanuman. ‘Vakyapadiyam’ of Bartruhari, ‘Sabdendusekharam’, ‘Pariposendusekharam’ are some other prominent works.

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